What Can I Expect This Year?
This year we will work hard, put on an amazing performances and have a ton of fun at the same time. That is what this organization is about; the enjoyment of entertaining. Our students will not only be fantastic musicians and performers, but responsible citizens as well
What types of Programs Do you Offer?
Please visit the About Section and click on Programs. This will give you more information on what Townsend Music Department offers.
What Can I do to Help?
I encourage ALL of you to be actively involved in your students experience with Townsend Music Department. There are quite a few way you can help:
Chaperone a field trip
Loading or unloading the trailer
Towing the trailer
Hemming your student's uniform
Building props
Participate in the Fundraisers
What is the cost for this year?
All the Fair Share information will be in your Parent Packet that you received at the Band Parent Meeting.
Please note, we now have a paypal account. A new way to pay your Fair Share starting this year.
I missed the parent meeting, where can I get the info
The parent packet handed out at the meeting was given to your child to take home. Also, all the forms are under the Parents & Students Only Tab.
Just login to the Parents & Students Only page, and they will be under forms and handouts page. If you need help logging in, please contact a board member or Mrs. Rutt.
What Fundraisers are you having this year?
We have some new and exciting fundraisers coming this year. Stay tuned.
Our goal this year is to keep your fair share cost as low as possible
Have more Questions...
If you can't find the answer to your question in here, please contact a board member and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.