The Award Winning Townsend Instrumental Music Program consists of three classes of band including a Percussion Class, Beginning Band and an Advanced Band. Our after school competitive performing groups include the Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Indoor Drumline, Color Guard, competitive Drum Major's and Choir Chimes. Year after year, EVERY group in the program achieves at a Superior level, or places within the Top 3 in Southern California.
The program is structured for students to be prepared to enter the Award Winning Chino Hills High School Instrumental Music Program. We tend to think of Townsend as year one and two of a six year program. The instructors for the Drumline and Color Guard are taught by the same staff from Chino Hills HS. By the time the student promotes to high school, they will have acquired the skills to step into the high school band without any remediation.